Why is it so hard for me to figure out what I actually want to do for my next job?

This year I started reading A Course in Miracles – this is no small feat.  For starters it’s over 600 pages and printed on what I call Bible paper.  The book is meant to be read over the course of a year and it will definitely take me at least that long.  Mentors of mine report that it has taken them over 4 years to get through it – so it is not an easy read – even for some of the most advanced transformational thinkers.



So why read it?



Because it’s worth the work – in fact it’s part of doing “my work”.  What does “my work” mean – I’ll get to that in a minute…



I always stumble across phrases in this book that truly are gold to me.  Everything I experience in my life is through a filter of “how can I apply this to my work” and it’s with that spirit that I have been reading this book.  So with that approach, I often find things that so beautifully reflect what I have experienced and what I hear many of my clients going through – especially when they need help navigating a job they hate.



There’s this one phrase from the book that I feel really answers the question “Why is it so hard for me to figure out what I actually want to do for my next job?” and I’ll share the phrase with you in a bit.



This is hard to answer for a few reasons…



#1 because it’s not the real question.  The real question is “Why is it so hard for me to connect with what will enable me to feel fulfilled – like I matter and make a difference for others?”





#2 because we are afraid of the answer.  What we are afraid of is that the answer will involve:

  • doing something that won’t enable us to live the life we dream to live – translation – it won’t make us any money.
  • people we love will judge us and think we are f’ing up our life – no one wants to upset Mom or Dad.
  • there will be a degree of responsibility attached to that work we don’t think we can fulfill – we don’t want to do “the work” we think is involved to be qualified to do that job (i.e. too much/many ___________ (fill in the blank) – years in school, travel, hours, money to get started, competition, etc.)






#3 – Because it is not something you can perceive (to become aware of through the 5 senses).  You have to know it.  The truth is you already know it – but it is clouded – buried under all the other crap your ego distracts you with.



Here’s the gold nugget phrases from A Course In Miracles that explains this reason…



“You cannot sell your soul, but you can sell your awareness of it.  You cannot perceive your soul (you can only know it), but you will not know it while you perceive something else as more valuable.”  



So I ask you:  What might you value more than happiness and fulfillment from “your work”?  It’s probably the items mentioned back in reason #2 – in a nutshell when what we value involves…



  • looking good to others
  • money
  • protecting our self-esteem



…we cloud our ability to see what truly would not only fulfill us but elevate our sense of higher power and purpose.



You will not see what “your work” is if you are searching for something within yourself you see to be in another or if you are looking for some TV-worthy ability.



I’ll share more insight into what it means to do “your work” in upcoming posts – but here is a little spoiler…



…experiencing satisfaction and fulfillment from doing “your work” has nothing to do with your job – you can do “your work” IN ANY job you have or will have in the future – the magnitude to which you get to discover, do, and be valued for “your work” (and enjoy all the earthly markers of success that come with fully doing “your work” – money, title, public recognition, etc.) is in your control.



Want some help discovering “your work”?



Sign up today for a Career Success Insight (“CSI”) session.



In this initial 60 minute tele-coaching session we go through an exercise to help you gain insight into what “your work” truly is.  “ Your work” is the mission of your highest self – what you ultimately want to enable for others and be valued for in return .



Your sense of sustainable fulfillment is more easily realized when you recognize and take advantage of opportunities related to your career, job and work environment where you can contribute and be valued for “your work”.  These opportunities are easier to spot when you know what “your work” actually is.



From this session you will get a key clue about “your work” in the form language that you can use on your resume, in cover letters, thank you notes and even in actual interviews.  It conveys to employers what you can actually be counted on for – no matter what!



This session is offered to new clients at $47.  Plus, I offer you the opportunity to secure additional sessions with me at a preferred rate if you find more coaching would be helpful.  If you purchase any additional sessions I will apply the $47 you paid from your CSI session to your next purchase!



Sign me up now! (call me or send me an email to set up your session today!)



Best wishes for your sustainable success and happiness!

About Gina Calvano

Gina Calvano is a certified coach and Senior Professional in Human Resources, with over 20 years of experience as a talent management professional in both the private and non-profit sectors. With a unique approach, she combines her strategic corporate expertise and accreditations with metaphysics and transformational thinking which has resulted in people all over the world feeling good about themselves and connected to a sense of purpose.

She created the Success Readiness Bootcamp™, a step by step process that enables people to easily discover their unique talents and abilities and match them to majors, jobs, industries and leisure pursuits. Gina is also the co-author of Breakthrough! Inspirational Strategies for an Audaciously Authentic Life with NY Times Best Selling Authors Marci Shimoff, Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood and Powerful Connections Made Easy™ with Aprille Trupiano, and is currently working on her next book — Caged in My Cube: The Turnaround Guide For Loving The Job You Hate.

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