I love that this was said…

“To become more conscious is the greatest gift anyone can give to the world”.  David Hawkins


Disengaged people affect all people.  What you think, believe, do, and practice regularly affects everyone  – not just everyone around you – but the planet.


There is an exponential effect of one person operating at a higher level of creativity, kindness, love, beauty, etc. that negates several people operating with energies that are negative.  The “power of one” is real – we feel it all the time – the planet feels depressed of energy when we lose someone who is a powerful expression of some form of positive energy.


Becoming more aware – more knowledgeable – about yourself (your talents, values, energy-zappers and what works to build your energy back up, etc). and about how energy works on this planet is how you elevate your consciousness – not just for the rewards that reaps for yourself (enjoying valuable experiences and getting valued for the things you want to be valued for) but for how it cancels out the negative energy that is more easily extended by several others who are not yet aware and equipped enough to regularly extend positive energy.


Connect to your higher power – your higher self – understanding your potential triggers of disengagement and burnout and practicing exercises that can help you recover is one way to raise your consciousness.