Tired and burned out at the end of the day? Trapped in your job? That’s just bananas!

“Most of the world has gotten just enough of the bananas to permanently trap themselves right where they are.”  Dr. David Hawkins


One of my favorite authors is Dr. David Hawkins.  I recently started reading his latest book Success Is For You:  Using Heart-Centered Power Principles for Lasting Abundance and Fulfillment.


The book starts out with a reminder of the story about the experiment of a monkey in a cage and his reaction to bananas that were placed just outside the cage just beyond his reach and opposite the side of the cage that had an open door.  If you know this story you will recall that the monkey struggled to reach the bananas ignoring the open door.  He struggled so much he even injured himself by trying to squeeze through the bars of the cage.


Dr. Hawkins uses bananas as a metaphor for all the markers of success you can imagine (money, fame, title, recognition, job security, etc.).  Of course, that makes us the “stop at nothing even if it means killing ourselves in the process” monkey and the cage is our “cube” (as in your cubicle/office/workspace – actually, as in your job!)


His point…

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Want a to get on a fast-track to a promotion? Promote yourself to creator of your work – here’s the one secret ingredient that gets you there…

Ready to wake up to what makes you unique among your peers?  Ready to breakthrough to being “a creative” for your work vs. “a cautious” at your job?


Want a to get on a fast-track to a promotion?  Promote yourself to creator of your work – here’s the one secret ingredient that gets you there …


All it takes to be a creator is to be aware of the intention you hold in your mind (and heart) for those who will be impacted by your contribution.


Intention is the secret ingredient that sets you apart from others.  Understanding your intention and being able to demonstrate how this intention actually makes the difference you imagine for others wins you favor – even over others who may have more experience than you.  It lets people know “What’s In It For Me (WIIFM) to work with you?”


Understanding your intention and performing tasks through that intention (holding that intention in your mind and heart) is doing “your work”.  Those who only complete the tasks within the assigned responsibilities of their job without awareness of the intention they have for others (or who only know an intention they have for themselves – i.e. promotion, bigger bonus, favor with select individuals, etc.),  aren’t doing “their work” (they probably aren’t doing the job as well as they think they are either).  Contribution without intention is not creating – it’s cautious at best – and the rewards that come from being cautious, have no chance of offering you a sustainable sense of fulfillment – not from your job and definitely not from a confident sense of your unique self.


Being a creator makes you stand out – and sometimes standing out among others who seem to be just doing their job can be dangerous.


So, is “danger” your middle name?  I think it is – no matter if you are a cautious or a creator.  Here’s how…

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Not happy with “your job” title? You might like “your work” title much better…

The title of “your work” is 1 word.  This 1 word is a title instantly earned by anyone who makes the shift from doing “their job” to doing “their work”.  This collective title commands more power than any “job” title – including that of CEO.


How can 1 title accurately honor the value you bring – the value anyone brings – even when we perform so many different jobs?


Not happy with “your job” title?  You might like “your work” title much better…

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Feeling overwhelmed at your job? Shift your focus from your job onto this one thing.

“Most people work at keeping their job, rather than doing a good job.  If you’re the former, you’re leading a meaningless life.  If you’re the latter, keep up the good work.”  George Lois


George calls it “…doing a good job” – I call it doing your work vs. your job.  The words are different – the idea is the same…


Simply put there is a difference between…


  • Doing your job:  doing the tasks that make up your job description for a business/an employer in exchange for money and/or recognition.  What follows is a sense that others hold the power to value, reward, and evolve us in our career.  At best – what follows is an ability to pay bills, an ability to detach from others who annoy us at times, and fleeting moments of fulfillment.




  • Doing your work: doing the work you were put on this planet to do for others we relate to and access through an employer or a business in exchange for evolving our consciousness.  What follows is a sense that we have power to value, reward and evolve the consciousness of others.  What follows is a sustained sense of fulfillment, relatedness and connection with others, ease in identifying opportunities to progress in our career and life, and operate from our greatest earning potential – money and recognition follow effortlessly.


Doing “your work” is

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Still ready to quit? Want to be transitioned to a job you love much faster and easier? Then stop doing this to yourself …

Warning:  this blog might be tough to read…


… but it can help you gain your power back in a job situation you just wanna quit.


Buckle up…


Identifying with any of the 3 scenarios in my latest blog series about quitting your job is living in agreement that there’s something wrong with your current job, employer, work environment, etc.


This erroneously identifies the problem as being outside of yourself leaving you powerless and in victim mode.  Still ready to quit? Want to be transitioned to a job you love much faster and easier?  Then stop doing this to yourself …

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Why is it so hard for me to figure out what I actually want to do for my next job?

This year I started reading A Course in Miracles – this is no small feat.  For starters it’s over 600 pages and printed on what I call Bible paper.  The book is meant to be read over the course of a year and it will definitely take me at least that long.  Mentors of mine report that it has taken them over 4 years to get through it – so it is not an easy read – even for some of the most advanced transformational thinkers.



So why read it?



Because it’s worth the work – in fact it’s part of doing “my work”.  What does “my work” mean – I’ll get to that in a minute…



I always stumble across phrases in this book that truly are gold to me.  Everything I experience in my life is through a filter of “how can I apply this to my work” and it’s with that spirit that I have been reading this book.  So with that approach, I often find things that so beautifully reflect what I have experienced and what I hear many of my clients going through – especially when they need help navigating a job they hate.



There’s this one phrase from the book that I feel really answers the question “Why is it so hard for me to figure out what I actually want to do for my next job?” and I’ll share the phrase with you in a bit.



This is hard to answer for a few reasons…



#1 because it’s not the real question.  The real question is “Why is it so hard for me to connect with what will enable me to feel fulfilled – like I matter and make a difference for others?”




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