Ready to quit? Maybe you should – here’s how to know…

To quit or not to quit – that is the question


In my last blog I offered you the opportunity to understand the importance of adopting a daily recovery strategy This strategy will help you to recharge after the daily, draining demands of your job.  Not engaging in an active plan to recover is like making daily purchases on your debit or credit card but never adding any money into your accounts.  Eventually the bank will shut you down and you will risk bankruptcy and maybe even exposure as being fraudulent in your practices.


Yes – the effects of draining job demands are cumulative.  It’s a debt that racks up and eventually it manifests as health issues (exhaustion, susceptible to common infections such as colds and flus, gastro-intestinal problems, back/neck/shoulder pain, panic and anxiety disorders, depression – to name a few), if left unaddressed.  The truth is you can recover and heal from the daily affects of your job – especially if you are going through a tough time that you know will soon pass.


But what if your not so sure this tough time at work is a passing phase?  Do you have this unsettled feeling about your job?  Are the demanding conditions an expected way of life (and it’s not what you want for your life)?  Is your fight or flight instinct is kicking in?  Are you wanting to run (quietly and quickly) or stirring up a heap of trouble due to feeling backed into that same corner where all the other “misunderstood and undervalued” employees are hanging out (are you fighting with some poor souls who deserve it – and even some who don’t)?  Maybe the time has come to make a drastic move – right out the company front door.


(Almost) convinced you’re ready to quit?  Maybe you should – here’s how to know…


2 factors that matter greatly for deciding if you should stay or go -even without another job lined up are:

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I love that this was said…

“To become more conscious is the greatest gift anyone can give to the world”.  David Hawkins


Disengaged people affect all people.  What you think, believe, do, and practice regularly affects everyone  – not just everyone around you – but the planet.


There is an exponential effect of one person operating at a higher level of creativity, kindness, love, beauty, etc. that negates several people operating with energies that are negative.  The “power of one” is real – we feel it all the time – the planet feels depressed of energy when we lose someone who is a powerful expression of some form of positive energy.


Becoming more aware – more knowledgeable – about yourself (your talents, values, energy-zappers and what works to build your energy back up, etc). and about how energy works on this planet is how you elevate your consciousness – not just for the rewards that reaps for yourself (enjoying valuable experiences and getting valued for the things you want to be valued for) but for how it cancels out the negative energy that is more easily extended by several others who are not yet aware and equipped enough to regularly extend positive energy.


Connect to your higher power – your higher self – understanding your potential triggers of disengagement and burnout and practicing exercises that can help you recover is one way to raise your consciousness.

Feeling tired, crabby, powerless – pretty much every day? You can recover – here’s how…

Do you experience any of the following pretty much every day?…


1.  exhaustion (mental, emotional and/or physical)


Do you experience depleted energy due to helplessness, futility or tiredness due to overwork?


2.  crabby 


Do you frequently have a negative or cynical attitude or loss of concern for something you have a responsibility for – this can include people you interact with fairly regularly?  Do you seek to remove yourself from these situations or people whenever you can?


3.  feeling powerless 


Do you feel incompetent, insufficient, discouraged or powerless to get done what you need to or want to accomplish?


Chronic exposure to any of these 3 experiences can unleash a case of burnout.


Burnout typically starts as a form of disengagement which may be triggered by perceived threatening situations, diminished returns on personally invested resources, enhanced demands, or lack of resources.  It can begin as mildly as developing a “wait-and-see attitude” towards aspects of your life – meaning you might hold back from investing too much time, effort or energy in something because you prefer to see how things “play out”.  But here’s what happens when we allow solutions outside of ourself to develop…

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Feeling tired of your job?

Feeling tired of your job?  Maybe your feeling tired in general – and not just at work!  We all feel tired from time to time.  Sometimes, we just need more sleep or maybe we have been working out too hard or we are coming down with a cold or something or maybe there is a bigger health issue going on.  But sometimes many of us experience the general malaise of “tiredness” that seems to follow us one day after another no matter how much sleep we get.


It’s a feeling of tired that’s a mixture of a few key ingredients such as:


  • a handful of low energy (maybe you’re just not feelin’ that pep in your step)
  • a cup of powerlessness (every aspect of our life seems to constantly tug at us – especially our job, our house, our kids, our partners – all of them wanting more from us than we seem to have to give – and all of them tugging at us all at the same time!)
  • a dash of cynicism (you might think “I can’t give everyone what they want – and if I could they wouldn’t appreciate it – they’ll just be right back at me wanting the next thing”).
  • (maybe even) a pinch of bordem (every day looks the same – and yet we crave for something “exciting” to happen – but what?)


Mixed altogether – you might feel downright burned out – your spark is just gone.  How can you get it back?


Over the next several weeks I am going to share with you the signs that you may be on the path to experiencing burnout.  Plus I will offer you some food for thought, compelling questions and some exercises about what you can do to get on a path to recovering from burnout and even preventing another round of burnout in the future.


Here’s a hint about how to start overcoming one of the markers of burnout – exhaustion…


“The result of genuine devotion is inspiration, a word which properly understood is the opposite of fatigue.  To be fatigued is to be dis-spirited, but to be inspired is to be in the spirit.”  From A Course In Miracles


This quote offers the chance to think about not what inspires you – but what are you truly devoted to?  Devotion is a key path to inspiration (and to ascending from non-health related fatigue).  Devotion is defined as “profound dedication; consecration”  and “earnest attachment to a cause, person, etc.”  The cause and effect relationship is clear in this quote:


devotion ———->  inspiration




dis-spirited (to deprive of hope/enthusiasm or to discourage) ————-> fatigue


There may be things you may think you are devoted to but if a sense of inspiration is not experienced in return, are you truly devoted?  Inspiration is not something you need to seek – it is a by-product of your devotion (of your hope/enthusiasm – maybe – of your courage).  Another way to see devotion is to see it as honoring something.  So with this offered perspective…


Think about your job – what would honoring your job look like to you?