Feeling tired, crabby, powerless – pretty much every day? You can recover – here’s how…

Do you experience any of the following pretty much every day?…


1.  exhaustion (mental, emotional and/or physical)


Do you experience depleted energy due to helplessness, futility or tiredness due to overwork?


2.  crabby 


Do you frequently have a negative or cynical attitude or loss of concern for something you have a responsibility for – this can include people you interact with fairly regularly?  Do you seek to remove yourself from these situations or people whenever you can?


3.  feeling powerless 


Do you feel incompetent, insufficient, discouraged or powerless to get done what you need to or want to accomplish?


Chronic exposure to any of these 3 experiences can unleash a case of burnout.


Burnout typically starts as a form of disengagement which may be triggered by perceived threatening situations, diminished returns on personally invested resources, enhanced demands, or lack of resources.  It can begin as mildly as developing a “wait-and-see attitude” towards aspects of your life – meaning you might hold back from investing too much time, effort or energy in something because you prefer to see how things “play out”.  But here’s what happens when we allow solutions outside of ourself to develop…

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May the force not be with you

Have you ever felt forced to do something at work you knew was downright wrong?  Of course you have – we all have!  “Wrong” holds no degrees of “wrongness”.  We think it does – but the truth is if something doesn’t feel right – no matter how minor it might seem (i.e. assuring someone a deadline can be met when you’re just not quite sure that’s true or telling someone you read something you didn’t read – not yet anyway!), it leaves us feeling uneasy and it drains our sense of personal power.  


You might think it’s easier to cope with “wrong” doing when the decision to engage in a minor level of corporate cloak and dagger is in your control – and better yet – when it’s a secret you can keep to yourself – no one will ever know!  You might justify these little white lies as necessary to keep the peace (in corporate speak this really means – to preserve your reputation with people you believe have power to harm you in some way).  


But, when it’s out of your control…


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10 Secret Skills that Build Confidence and Engagement for Your Work…

Continuing on in our countdown of 10 Secret Skills that build confidence and engagement for your work…


Remember, they are a countdown because these are a progressive set of skills that can be developed and practiced in your daily work to connect you to a more vivid sense of personal power – of confidence that what you do makes a difference for others.


As we practice these skills we not only build our confidence, we simultaneously quiet the noise (the self-sabotaging comments) that produces naturally from our brain/ego in response to anything that is expressed from our spirit – our higher self.


So let’s get on with the countdown of  “Secret Skills” – and practice, practice, practice away at them!  Here’s #2 and #1…


Drum roll please….


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I love that this was said…

“The closer we grow to our inner light, the more we feel the natural urge to share that light with others.  The meaning of work, whatever its form, is that it be used to heal the world.  Love is the most powerful fuel in any endeavor.  The most important question to ask about any work is ‘How does this serve the world?’”  Marianne Williamson


I believe the purpose of anybody’s life is to serve others and that the capacity in which you serve others (what you do) and the unique way you do it is your calling.


When you do your job – no matter what it is – think of yourself as a service provider.  Not just to your boss – but to the people who will be impacted by the job you do.  Channel your “inner-marketer” and think about how you relate to those you serve – imagine a “customer-profile”:

  • who they are – imagine a story about them in your mind (how old they are, where do they live, what’s their gender, family dynamic, sense of style, favorite thing to do, what makes them happy, sad, angry, and what goes on in their life day in and day out)
  • what their problem or struggle might be that is perfectly solved by something you can create for them through your job – imagine what happened to them that they need the work your company does – and more specifically, the work you do at your company.
  • how can you perform that work in a way that makes the biggest difference for that customer – even if you never interact with them directly?
  • who else might be impacted in a positive way because you perfectly solved this customer’s problem?


Living with a connection to a sense of purpose and calling begins in the discovery of what you can uniquely and easily do for others.  When we give what is easy for us to give, we feel happy to give it.  When we happily serve others what naturally follows is that we become more appreciated, respected, trusted and admired for what we bring to the table.  That leads to a sense of fulfillment because we see the value we can bring to others.  That sense of happiness and fulfillment attracts success including the material markers of success (i.e. money, recognition, etc).


Unsure what you uniquely and easily do for others (even in a job you hate)?  Contact me today at 888/560-8233 to schedule a Career Success Insight (“CSI”) Session for only $47.


In 1 hour, get an understanding of something unique to YOU that you can practice to make a difference for others and in return, get yourself on the path to a sustainable sense of job satisfaction in return!



Secret Skills that Build Confidence and Engagement for Your Work…

Continuing on in our countdown of 10 Secret Skills that build confidence and engagement for your work…


Remember, they are a countdown because these are a progressive set of skills that can be developed and practiced in your daily work to connect you to a more vivid sense of personal power – of confidence that what you do makes a difference for others.


As we practice these skills we not only build our confidence, we simultaneously quiet the noise (the self-sabotaging comments) that produces naturally from our brains/ego in response to anything that is expressed from our spirit – our higher self.


So let’s get on with the countdown of  “Secret Skills” – and practice, practice, practice away at them!  Here’s #4 and #3…


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10 Secret Skills that Build Confidence and Engagement for Your Work…

Here is #6 and #5…


Continuing on in our countdown of 10 Secret Skills that build confidence and engagement for your work…


Remember, they are a countdown because these are a progressive set of skills that can be developed and practiced in your daily work to connect you to a more vivid sense of personal power – confidence that what you can do makes a difference for others.


As we practice these skills we not only build our confidence, we simultaneously quiet the noise (the self-sabotaging comments) that produces naturally from our brains/ego in response to anything that is expressed from our spirit – our higher self.


Operating from ego is a state of being that requires effort in order to get something you want for yourself.  Operating from spirit a state of being that requires seemingly no effort in order to enable a benefit for another.  Quieting your will/ego enables your spirit to be the filter through which you perform your daily tasks – that is doing “your work”.  Doing “your work” enables you to easily experience fulfillment.  When ego is the filter through which you perform your daily tasks you are (at best) doing “your job”.  Doing “your job” is often not enough to sustain an experience of fulfillment – or happiness.


So let’s get on with the countdown of  “Secret Skills” – and practice, practice, practice away at them!  Here’s #6 and #5…

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I love that this was said…

Check out The 4 Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz…




If you are feeling bored with your work practicing The 4 Agreements at work will help you develop the 4 Secret Skills I have shared with you so far – Pride in your work, Courageous in the face of challenges, Build trust with others, and Do what it takes to get a job done.


Which of the 4 Secret Skills I have shared so far aches to be more fully expressed within you?



Want some help identifying your unique expression of the Secret Skills?


Discover what you have to offer to others and learn how to explain that in a way that sets you apart from your competition – even those with more experience than you.


All job candidates can express their strengths – but can they also express their unique expression of that strength AND the impact their strengths can have on others?


If you can paint a picture for the interviewer to help them see what’s in it for them to have you around day in and day out – you will absolutely set yourself apart from other candidates.  Why?  Because most candidates don’t (and can’t) do this – those who do come across as self-aware, confident, conscientious and passionate.  People want to align with people who have that kind of energy – don’t you?


Get this language for yourself in just 1 hour – during my Secret Skills series I am offering you to book a Personal Brand Confidence session with me for a preferred rate of just $147.  Contact me today at 888/560-8233.


Secret Skills #8 & # 7 – Build and Convey a Personal Sense of Power and Engagement for your Work…

Continuing on in our countdown of 10 Secret Skills that build and convey a personal sense of power and engagement for your work…


Remember, they are a countdown because these are a progressive set of skills that can be developed and practiced in your daily work to connect you to a more vivid sense of personal power.  As we tap into our personal power we simultaneously quiet the  noise that inhibits our easy ability to find fulfillment from our work.


So let’s get on with the countdown of  “Secret Skills”here’s #8 and #7…


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10 Secret Skills that Build and Convey a Personal Sense of Power and Engagement for your Work

From now though March I offer to you a countdown of 10 Secret Skills that build and convey a personal sense of power and engagement for your work.  I suggest them as a countdown because I believe that they are a progressive set of skills that can be developed – meaning working on #10 provides a solid foundation that makes #9 easier to do and share with others.  In other words, I believe it’s going to be very hard to tap into Secret Skill #1 if you haven’t yet incorporated Secret Skill #10 into your daily work.


You might be wondering 2 things…


1.  Why should I value building a sense of power for my work?  Because when we feel that we have something unique to contribute to others it energizes us and makes us feel like we matter.  Do you want to tap into a greater sense of energy and fulfillment from your work?


2.  Why should I value conveying a sense of power for my work?  Because when others get a sense that we are powerful we inspire others (and stand out over other job candidates when we are interviewing).  Inspiring others connects us to a personal sense of mastery of our work.  (Check out what Harvard Business Review has to say about why inspiration matters).  Becoming a master often frees us from external factors (i.e. what others think, do and say) as contributing more to our sense of self-importance and value to others and shifts our source toward internal factors (i.e. what we think, do and say) as contributing more to our sense of self-importance and value to others.  We then become more intention-focused vs. (material) reward-focused.  That shift creates a more sustainable connection to happiness and (therefore), success from our work.   From that the materials markers of success flow more naturally and in greater abundance than we could imagine than when we were solely focused on collecting them.  They become an effortless by-product of our happiness and engagement at work.


Our jobs are one of the easiest realms of our life to make a difference because unlike in family dynamics there is no pre-context for others about what we are capable of – (or what might be appropriate for us to be capable of in relation to our elders or given some scale of privileged or tradition we were born into).  At work the people we serve are always welcoming and hopeful for us to give our best.


Boosting up the volume on the “secret skills” you already have can matter greatly to those who are served by you or work with you – especially if you…

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Here’s why you may not have gotten the promotion, bigger bonus, salary increase or other reward your less deserving peer did…

Have you ever been passed over for a promotion?  Have you ever experienced not getting as a big of a bonus or salary increase as you thought you deserved given the results you delivered?


These things are always a big let down for sure.  However, they downright “steam your bean” when someone you believe is less deserving gets them.   Your mind immediately goes into thinking “What do they have that I don’t have?”


Well, as a former head of HR I can tell you that often there are multiple factors that play into those seemingly unfair choices – and you can’t always predict or control all the reasons why some less deserving peer got what you wanted – and deserved!


But I can share a secret with you…


No one gets those things without having an edge over their higher performing (and sometimes more loyal and experienced) peers.


So here’s why you may not have gotten the promotion, bigger bonus, salary increase or other reward your less deserving peer did..

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